Bring Back Dining Rooms

Here’s an unpopular option: open concepts aren’t it. I don’t hate them or anything, and I do think open concepts are beneficial in some instances, but I personally prefer separate rooms. I love dining rooms. I love that I don’t have to share my dining space with my messy kitchen after we just made dinner. I can escape to a beautiful room specially created for dining.

I recently redesigned my dining room and I’m obsessed, but that will be a different post on a different day after I get it all photographed. What I love most about my dining room is what it means to me. I have a very positive association with dining rooms. My dining room memories aren’t super formal or only of holidays. Growing up we used our dining room nearly every night. It was a place we gathered at the end of the day to come together as a family and talk about our days. It was a time before cell phones and all the distractions that come with them.

Wherever your dining table is in your home, I encourage you to make it special. Make it a place for connection. Make it a phone free zone. Put some candles on, even if you have kiddos. My little ones love to help blow out the candles at the end of the meal. Don’t save your special stuff for only special occasions. Every day is special. Okay, okay, that was cheesy, but it’s true. Any time you gather around a table to share a meal is special. Make the most of your home and the time you share with your loved ones.

Your Turn!

Think of ways you can make your dining experience feel special. Candles, candlesticks, cloth napkins, napkin rings, fresh flowers and non-plastic plates are all great ideas. It doesn’t have to be super expensive either. My white plates are from the Dollar Tree I got years ago for one dollar each!

If you’re local to Springfield, IL, check out my Broad Strokes Home Design goods at Willow & Birch. I just started carrying napkins, match holders and other items to make your dining experience feel more special.

 Be bold. Be you.        


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